Getting over limiting beliefs

I used to wake up with my grandma at 4am when I was shy 9 year old kid. I was little different from the kids of my age. Being that young it is not that easy to follow the ritual of getting up in the morning. At that tender age I was even not knowing the meaning of ritual. I had exposure of my religious books which had big influence on me as a kid.

When I casually shared my routine with my friends and family they used to laugh at me. I just felt I was different and I did not ‘Fit In’. As a kid I used to feel different and it caused me immense pain because I did not use to fit in with my same Age group. At that tender Age it was not easy thing to handle being different.

I studied in Hindi Medium school till 12th and post that I finished my Graduation and PG and bagged job in a MNC. In my corporate Journey working with multiple MNCs I learned that core values and attitude is everything and all the other skills can be learned. I worked on my communication skills I put in efforts to learn technical skills and started exploring other areas inside the company like training and other technical skills and I got multiple recognition for my efforts and I bagged lots of Awards which gave me confidence and post that I never looked back.

Currently, I am working as a Tech Lead and Coach. I take up small projects to brush up my entrepreneur skills.


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